Women in Business Series – Sally McCarthy - Aberdeen Riding Club

Women in Business Series – Sally McCarthy - Aberdeen Riding Club

As part of our Women in Business series, Lynne Clark, sits down with Sally McCarthy to find out more about her journey to establishing Aberdeen Riding Club.
May 24, 2024 — Lynne Clark
Sponsored Rider Catch Up

Sponsored Rider Catch Up

Lynne Clark, our roving reporter at Country Ways, catches up with Eilidh Costelloe our sponsored rider about the weather, her team and the future of British Eventing.

April 19, 2024 — Lynne Clark
Marion Dreelan at Bogenraith Equestrian Centre

Women in Business - Marion Dreelan of Bogenraith

As part of our new Women in Business series, Lynne Clark, our roving reporter at Country Ways, sat down with Marion Dreelan, Director and driving force behind Bogenraith, to find out more about this fantastic new equestrian facility in the North East of Scotland. 

April 04, 2024 — Lynne Clark
Love Local, Love Aberdeen - discovering places to shop in Aberdeen and beyond

Love Local, Love Aberdeen - discovering places to shop in Aberdeen and beyond

Lynne Clark, our resident writer, blogger and curator at Country Ways and Charles Michies, set out on a mission to discover what was on offer from some of our local, independent and national stores. Here's what Lynne found within the different ‘zones’ of the city...and beyond. 

March 14, 2024 — Lynne Clark
Visiting Harley of Scotland

Visiting Harley of Scotland

Country Ways prides itself on supporting local suppliers and manufacturers. Shopping small is important to us - and we visited Harley of Scotland to see where it all happens.
January 12, 2024 — Web Admin
An Evening with Hunt & Hall at Country Ways Banchory

An Evening with Hunt & Hall at Country Ways Banchory

This week, we had the pleasure of hosting the incredibly talented Natalie Harper Howell from Hunt & Hall at our Banchory store! Come read a little bit about the evening.
November 22, 2023 — Web Admin
An Introduction to using studs

An Introduction to using studs

Don't stress over studs for your horse's shoes! Here's a great introduction to the different types and their uses by our sponsored sponsored event rider, Eilidh Costelloe.

November 01, 2023 — Country Ways
Looking forward to 2021!

Looking forward to 2021!

It’s that time of year again where I have a year end catch up with our sponsored rider, Eilidh Costelloe. It’s the third time we’ve sat down for a chat, through that’s about the only thing that’s the same. After all, neither of us could have ever expected to be having a conversation like this, because neither of us could have anticipated what 2020 would bring
November 01, 2023 — Country Ways
Dressage Masterclass with Daniel Watson

Dressage Masterclass with Daniel Watson

When I arrive for the Country Ways sponsored Daniel Watson demo at Tillyoch Equestrian Centre, I find the man himself sat casually at a picnic table, taking a well earned break before beginning the evening demo (and before I interrupt him with my questions! ) I am introduced to him and the first thing he tells me is how much he has enjoyed his day’s teaching and how friendly we all are up here in Scotland It’s his first time in Aberdeen and he has thoroughly enjoyed it.
November 01, 2023 — Country Ways
Badminton Grassroots success for local rider, Sophie Bultitude

Badminton Grassroots success for local rider, Sophie Bultitude

Mention the word Badminton in non-horsey circles and most people will think of the sport involving racquets and a shuttlecock. For the rest of us horsey folks however, the word is synonymous with the pinnacle of eventing.
November 01, 2023 — Country Ways
The Mystery of Marks with Jane Peberdy

The Mystery of Marks with Jane Peberdy

Most of us who have ever ridden a dressage test will have at some point felt confusion/mild irritation/full-blown anger (delete as appropriate!) at some of the marks on our test sheet. Indeed the very fact that the demo to which this blog is dedicated is called ‘The Mystery of Marks’, denotes that there is often much confusion as to how and why judges award the scores they do.
November 01, 2023 — Country Ways
In Conversation with Cecilia Gladwyn: The Celtic Dressage Championships

In Conversation with Cecilia Gladwyn: The Celtic Dressage Championships

Cecilia Gladwyn is a name synonymous with dressage. So when I was invited to have lunch with her to talk about her new initiative, the Celtic Dressage Championships (sponsored by Country Ways), I jumped (or do a small hop because I have a bad back and a dodgy knee) at the chance!
November 01, 2023 — Country Ways